Daily Reflections

Stuck in a Ditch You Drove Into

octobre 11, 2020 Shannon Popkin

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress. —Psalm 31:9

It was my senior year of college. There was snow on the ground, but I decided to run some errands. My roommates were shocked, but I brushed off their concern.

Twenty minutes later, however, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. With no coat, no phone, and low fuel, I cried out to God. “Lord, I was so foolish! Will You send someone to help me?” A few minutes later, a vehicle rounded the bend, and a kindly farmer pulled me out within a matter of minutes.

When we’re waist-deep in consequences that we created, can we still cry out to God? Does He say, “I warned you about this. You should have listened”? No! Even when we’ve created the mess, God runs toward us with open arms and kisses (Luke 15:20).

In fact, those roadblocking consequences are often God’s invitation to stop, turn from our cocky independence, and finally call out to Him! God uses situations like these to hem us into a place where we see our foolishness and recognize our need for Him.

Make it Personal

Are you stuck in a place of hopelessness, wondering if anyone can see that you need help? Cry out to God—He wants to rescue you.