Daily Reflections

Sticking Your Neck Out for Others

November 18, 2020 Erin Davis

Greet Prisca and Aquilla, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their necks for my life. —Romans 16:3–4

Prisca (later changed to Priscilla) and Aquilla were my kind of people. They had a ferocious love for Jesus and His people. We know from 1 Corinthians 16:19 that they hosted a New Testament church in their home. Their willingness to serve made a difference, because Paul gives them several shout-outs in the New Testament.

These were people who were willing to take risks for God’s glory. Prisca and Aquilla may have literally risked their lives for Paul, but they were “sticking their necks out” in other ways, too. They were risking their comfort by hosting a church in their home. And let’s face it, investing in others is always risky. Just because you stick your neck out for someone does not mean they will return the favor.

It is impossible to live the Christian life without risk. It is impossible to be a true woman of God without personal liability. But since Jesus stuck His neck way out for us, we are free to take risks for His name’s sake.

Make it Personal

Ask God to make you more like Prisca and Aquilla, that you would stick your neck out for Him and His people.