Daily Reflections

Silent Yet Sovereign

May 17, 2023 Laura Booz

“My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” —John 5:17 NIV

Esther is the one book of the Bible that was included in the Canon under serious controversy because it doesn’t mention God. Looking at the text, it seems as if God is invisible, forgotten. Yet a closer examination reveals His unmistakable presence. His handiwork is everywhere throughout the circumstances of the story, and He works tirelessly, intricately, and perfectly through common humans to preserve His people.

Esther teaches us that God is often—even today—invisible yet involved, hidden yet here, silent yet sovereign.

My heart skips a beat when I think that God not only identifies with my feelings of invisibility, but He also exemplifies them. When I choose to serve the Lord gladly and privately, I’m glorifying part of His character.

We’re tempted to evaluate our work according to compensation, audience, or praise. Instead, may we fix our eyes on Jesus and commit wholeheartedly to the work He establishes for us to do, even when it’s hidden.

Make it Personal

How can you glorify God’s character through the work He’s given you to do, whether it’s public or hidden?