Daily Reflections

Season of Thankfulness

November 22, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. —Colossians 3:15

One of the most meaningful exercises you could do as a family, a Bible study group, or an entire church, is to commit to a season of thankfulness together.

Ask God to grow in you and your group a spirit more grateful for His grace, His guidance, and His salvation, as well as for the little things we overlook.

One of Paul’s main concerns was his burden for the unity of the Body of Christ. He knew a church united in mission—throughout the entire Body—could truly hear from and move to the heartbeat of God.

If your family, group, or church were to develop a corporate sense of gratitude, how many petty squabbles would disappear? How many people who have been at odds with each other would put an end to their strife? How many ministries would be revived, simply by being populated with grace-filled men and women growing ever more grateful for the privilege of serving Him—together?

Make it Personal

Who can you call together to participate in a time of deliberate gratitude?