Daily Reflections

Rescued by Gratitude

November 7, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines . . . yet I will celebrate in the Lord. —Habakkuk 3:17–18

Over the years I’ve sought to make gratitude a way of life. However, if I’m not ceaselessly vigilant in choosing gratitude, I easily get sucked into the undertow of life in a fallen world.

But in those moments when I’ve found myself gasping for air, feeling that I was going under, I’ve discovered that gratitude truly is my life preserver. Even in the most turbulent waters, choosing gratitude rescues me from my runaway emotions. It buoys me on the grace of God and keeps me from drowning in what otherwise would be my natural bent toward negativity, doubts, discouragement, and anxiety.

Over time, choosing gratitude means choosing joy. But that doesn’t come without effort and intentionality. It’s a choice that requires constantly renewing my mind with the truth of God’s Word, setting my heart to savor God and His gifts, and disciplining my tongue to speak words that reflect His goodness and grace—until a grateful spirit becomes my reflexive response.

Make it Personal

How can you choose to be intentional about choosing gratitude today—in both the good things and the hard things?