Daily Reflections

Remember the Truth

novembre 19, 2022 Portia Collins

Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from him. —Psalm 62:5

Satan is working hard to destroy the faith of believers everywhere. He prowls around looking for opportunities to wreak havoc on the lives of believers with the hope that they’ll turn back to sin. But just like Job, I continue to place my hope in God. And there is no trial, circumstance, or amount of suffering that can pluck me out of His hand (John 10:28–29). With that being said:

  • I will exalt God and continue to point people to Christ by sharing the truth of His Word.
  • I will rest wholly in the power of God.
  • I will remind myself of the covenant-keeping
    God who never lies or reneges on His Word.
  • I will humbly walk with brothers and sisters
    in the faith who can share in carrying my
    burdens and weakness.
  • I will not find my satisfaction in perishable
    things, people, or situations but will look to
    God to supply everything I truly need.
  • I will always believe that God is good and
    His mercy endures forever!

Make it Personal

What are ways you can place your hope in God today?