Daily Reflections

Remember His Love

May 26, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In all their affliction he was afflicted. —Isaiah 63:9

God is not a dispassionate, uninvolved observer a million miles off in heaven. He’s a tender, loving Father. When His people suffer, He suffers with them. He enters into our affliction and takes it as His own.

Isaiah 63:9 goes on to say, “the angel of his presence saved them.” This angel is Jesus, seen in pre-incarnate appearances through- out the Old Testament. The Angel of the Lord, Jesus, saved His people out of Egypt by bringing judgment against the Egyptians who had enslaved them. God sent the Angel of His presence to save them. And hundreds of years later, God sent His only Son into this world to save us from our sin.

As we were talking about this passage, my husband said, “Only God would send us Himself to save us from Himself.” We were under the wrath of God, but He sent us Himself to save us from Himself.

This is amazing love, an expression of God’s goodness, care, and deliverance. This is how God has treated us, and it’s good to remember it.

Make it Personal

What are ways you can choose today to recount God’s goodness and care toward you?