Daily Reflections

Reasonable Service

May 31, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. —Romans 12:1

There are times when I feel like God asks for something unreasonable. It may be giving a caring ear after a long day or helping a family provide their kids a Christian education.

In those moments, my emotions sometimes cry out, “I’ve already given so much! I can’t give more.” That’s when I need to take a trip to Calvary and look into the eyes of a bleeding God who gave everything to reconcile me to Himself. That’s when I must go back to Romans 12:1.

The word pleasing, also translated reasonable, is where we get our word “logical.” In light of the incredible mercy of God poured out on us (past, present, and future), a full and complete sacrifice of our lives is the only logical response we can make.

When you feel like God’s call is unreasonable, remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. When you think about what He’s given, it will inspire you to give as well.

Make it Personal

How does remembering Christ’s sacrifice on the cross help you when you feel like God is asking you to do something unreasonable?