Daily Reflections

Raised to Life

September 14, 2021 Portia Collins

“If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” —John 14:3

Contrary to popular belief, there is life after death. Every person will spend eternity somewhere—either in perpetual torment in hell or raised to eternal life in heaven. God offers the free gift of eternal life to all, but it’s only valid for those who genuinely believe in Jesus (John 3:16).

While believers will face many temptations and trials in this life, we must remember these are momentary afflictions. One day death, grief, sorrow, and pain will be no more. The believer’s physical body will perish, but God will raise it to life. All things will be made new, and every person who has endured until the end will drink freely from the wellspring of life (Rev. 21:3–7).

We can hold firmly to the promise of resurrection because we know that Christ has risen from the grave before us. Christ is the evidence of what is to come for all believers. We will live eternally because He lives eternally!

Make it Personal

How can Jesus’ words to His disciples in John 14 help when you become weary and anxious?