Daily Reflections

Put Your Hope in God

May 10, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Why, my soul, are you so dejected? Why are you in such turmoil? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God. —Psalm 42:5

King David documented a lot of his emotional struggles in the Psalms. By reading them, we discover that sometimes physical and emotional suffering is a result from our own choices.

In Psalm 32, David testifies to his experience trying to cover up sin:

When I kept silent, my bones became brittle from my groaning all day long. (v. 3)

And in Psalm 55, he cries out to God regarding the betrayal of a friend. But no matter where the pain came from, David knew where to go for help. “Put your hope in God, for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:5).

We all go through seasons of emotional pain. The next time you feel overwhelmed, you can go to the same source David talked about. No matter what you’re facing, you can trust God, and you can experience His joy and peace.

Make it Personal

Ask the Lord to help you experience His joy and peace in the midst of your circumstances.