Daily Reflections

Put It Away

June 21, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. —Isaiah 64:5

The above verse reminds us that God meets with people who do two things—those who gladly do what’s right and those who remember Him in His ways.

This is a picture of obedience. Being in right relationship with God produces joy. Those who deal justly with others in ways that reflect His righteousness, they are the people God will come and meet with.

So, we can’t expect that God will come and meet with our church or family or send revival if we’re holding on to sin in our hearts. We have to be willing to put away bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, selfishness, etc., if we want God to come and meet with us.

We also need to recount the instances where God came and moved in an extraordinary way among His people. It helps me to remember what He has done in the past, because then when I come to pray, I’m going to be emboldened. I’m going to have the courage to say, “Lord, You’ve done it before. Would You do it again?”

Make it Personal

Ask God to examine your heart and show you if there is any sin that you’re holding on to that needs to be put away.