Daily Reflections

Our Compassionate Savior

December 14, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord gives His people strength; the Lord blesses his people with peace. —Psalm 29:11 CSB

In the last two verses of Psalm 29, we find two different pictures of Christ, both of which provide hope in hard and painful circumstances.

In verse 10, we see this great King who is ruling over heaven and earth. It’s like a transcendent picture of the great, mighty Christ, something I need reminded of on a regular basis. However, I also love the tenderness of verse 11. That same Lord, that reigning Christ, is concerned about and aware of our weakness and our need. And He stoops down to do something about it: He blesses His people with peace. He is a compassionate Savior who draws near to us.

Verse 11 also says He gives His people strength. It’s not only those who don’t know Jesus who are weak, but God’s people as well. There are circumstances over which we have no control and in which we have no strength in and through ourselves. Throughout it all, however, His grace is sufficient for all our weakness.

Make it Personal

How is Jesus giving you peace and strength for your current circumstances?