Daily Reflections

Our Always Good God

juin 24, 2022 Erin Davis

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. —Psalm 107:1

Maybe you’ve been a part of a church service where someone says, “God is good” and the congregation responds, “All the time!” It’s true. God is never not good. And God is never not doing what is good for His children.

We don’t know what good is. We’re more familiar with good enough. Psalm 14 and Romans 3 affirm that no one does good. As sinners, we’re prone to do good for ourselves but not for others. We might have good days, but all sinners struggle to be good people. Not so with God.

Goodness isn’t something God does. Goodness is who He is. The fundamental belief that God is good is essential to trusting Him. It’s necessary to preserve our hope and joy. It’s mandatory if we will serve Him faithfully through the ups and downs of life.

When our sin-dimmed eyes are enlightened with all He’s done for us, there will be no doubt— God is good and does good. We can live with that assurance now, anchored in hope to the unchangeable character of our good God.

Make it Personal

Do you operate from the unwavering belief that God is good? How does your answer affect the trajectory of your life?