Daily Reflections

The One to Call

February 24, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

O Lord, how long shall I cry for help? —Habakkuk 1:2

One of the most challenging aspects of parenting toddlers is that constant calling out to their parents. When a child has a question or is afraid, his first response is “Mommy!” As adults, we don’t normally call for our mothers, but we still have a reflex to call out to someone when we feel helpless.

In the book of Habakkuk, the prophet’s first words are significant. He could have considered the power structures of his day and tried to figure out who was most likely to meet his needs. But like a trusting child calling for his parent, Habakkuk knew the source of all love, power, and protection. He called, “O Lord.”

How often do we cry out to the experts, looking for help, when we would be much better off calling, “O Lord”? Ultimately, the peace, perspective, and answers we need won’t be found by going to a counselor or a therapist, by reading a book, or by pouring out our hearts to a trusted friend. All we need is found by going to the Wonderful Counselor.

Make it Personal

When crisis hits, where do you first go for help? How does the Lord help you in ways that no one else can?