Daily Reflections

Make Your Case

March 20, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I would learn how he would answer me; and understand what he would say to me. —Job 23:5

There are some uncomfortable moments in the Bible—times when people said or did things that make us cringe when we read about them. Martha telling Jesus that He came too late. Abraham negotiating with God over the fate of Sodom. Job nearly demanding an opportunity to argue with God over the way he was being treated. And the audacity of Habakkuk asking God to explain His use of the evil to judge the good.

Yet God responded to them all. He wanted them to understand—to both obey and trust, even if that meant they, the created, pressed Him, the Creator, for answers. He would have the last word, of course, and it would prove to be the right answer. But He let them speak. He let them pour out their frustrations and questions and agitations.

God listens to our complaints, and even uses our persistence to draw us and keep us close. He knows we will grow weary eventually, and then we’ll listen.

Make it Personal

While you are bringing your concerns and requests before God, make sure that you’re also listening to what He wants to speak into your heart.