Daily Reflections

Loving Like Jesus

February 26, 2023 Colleen Chao

As the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive. —Colossians 3:13

Don’t we all long to be lavishly loved in the middle of our mess? The problem is I fail more than I succeed at loving like this . . . like Christ. So I must continue to spend time with Him, read His Word, and pour out my heart to Him. As I do, two things happen:

I remember how much I’ve been forgiven. Time spent with Jesus humbles me and helps me readily confess that in my sin nature I’m capable of the very worst of sins. If an infinitely loving God has forgiven my sin, how can I refuse forgiveness to a fellow desperate sinner? (See Matthew 18:33.)

Joy suffocates judgment. It’s impossible to hold onto a grudge when my heart is overflowing with joy in Jesus. As I rejoice in the greatness of my Savior and His gift of salvation, I’m compelled to share His love with others. Any judgment or wrath I had in my heart for my offender is swept away by time spent rejoicing in who God is.

Make it Personal

Where do you feel hurt and disappointed today? Take heart: that is precisely where God longs to meet you and amaze you with His goodness.