Daily Reflections

Love Won’t Quit

September 8, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

[Love] endures all things. —1 Corinthians 13:7

The picture of love enduring in 1 Corinthians 13 is that of a sentry or sentinel who refuses to leave his post, even when the attack of the enemy comes up against him. Love has the determination to press on even when the circumstances seem absolutely hopeless.

When you’re facing insurmountable obstacles, love refuses to quit. It’s willing to be patient and tough against the storms of life. Nowhere is this more important than in our homes—to stand for your marriage, to stand for your children and their walk with God, to believe God to win the victory in their lives. “Love endures all things.”

I think about the first martyr, Stephen, who forgave his attackers. He stood his post all the way to the end of the battle—to death. He said, “I’m not going to stop loving those who have sinned against me.” It’s a love like the love of Jesus that endured.

When the circumstances in your home, your workplace, or in your circle become unbearable, remember that love won’t quit. It endures when anything less would give up.

Make it Personal

What obstacles are you facing in relationships with your family or others you love? Ask God to help you have a love that endures.