Daily Reflections

Living Generously

November 29, 2023 Lori Hatcher

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” —Acts 20:35

My family and I have been the recipient of more than a few lavish gifts. Someone gave us a piano when my six-year-old wanted to learn to play. Someone else paid for every class my husband needed to complete his degree. When our house was impacted by a flood, a friend helped pay for the repairs.

Each gift crumbled me to the ground in worship and thanksgiving. God saw our need and sent someone to meet it.

During the next month, I invite you to join me in a challenge to live generously. Each day until Christmas, look for an opportunity to give something away.

But don’t focus on lavish. Look for small ways to give generously. Give a smile and a greeting to the grumpiest person in the room. Ask the cashier what his favorite candy is and buy it for him. Perform a task for your coworker that you know he or she hates doing.

Whether you’re dreading the holidays or you’re full of excitement, commit each day to living generously. This is the Christmas spirit.


Living Generously: The Simple Gift of Open Hands” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

What are some ways that you can live generously over the next month?