Daily Reflections

Let His Love Overflow

August 4, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” —Luke 9:23

If we want to love with Christ’s love, we first need to realize that kind of love doesn’t come naturally to us. We cannot love apart from Christ.

If you lack that kind of love, you need to ask Him for it and then begin to love by faith. Don’t wait for the feelings. Begin to love out of His love that is in you; begin to let that love overflow by acting in a loving manner.

This means that when you talk to others, you do so in a kind way. It means you communicate when you don’t feel like communicating, you serve when you want to be served, you give when you want to receive. Ultimately, you deny your flesh and say “yes” to the cross.

Love always takes us to the cross. That’s the fullest demonstration of God’s love. The cross isn’t easy. It’s painful at times, but beyond the cross there’s a breakthrough, there’s freedom, there’s life.

Make it Personal

How can you say “yes” to the cross as you choose to love others today?