Daily Reflections

Just One of Those Days

November 14, 2020 Trillia Newbell

When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. —Psalm 94:19

Today was just one of those days. You know, when you get up extra early to pack lunches for school and jump in the car only for it to break down. When tempers flare and your kids fight. When searching for someone to help comes up empty because everyone is busy.

I realize these circumstances are merely inconveniences compared to big world issues—that there are people starving, enduring horrific abuse, and battling terminal cancer. Still, my little trials aren’t insignificant to God. I believe He wants to help me learn through the little so when the big trials hit, I’m grounded in His Word, His love, and His character.

Maybe you, too, had one of those days. God’s Word says trials will happen, but His grace is sufficient, and He sympathizes with and loves you dearly. You and I can run to Him to receive comfort and mercy and grace in our time of need. Let us draw near today, tomorrow, and forevermore and receive His grace and great love.

Make it Personal

What trials, big or small, are you experiencing today? How can you run to Him for comfort and grace?