Daily Reflections

Jesus’ Number One Priority

January 10, 2025 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

[Jesus] often withdrew to deserted places and prayed. —Luke 5:16

The gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus would withdraw to desolate places and pray. This was the pattern of His life. This is where He got His “marching orders” for the day. This is where He discovered the will of God for His life.

This is where He got renewed and restored when virtue had gone out of Him as He minis- tered to the crowds. This is where He gained the resources to do battle against Satan—and win. This is where He received grace to love the unlovable and power to do the impossible.

And this is precisely where you and I so often miss out on all that God has for us. Unlike Jesus, we attempt to live life in our own energy. We think we can keep giving out without getting replenished. Is it really possible for us to manifest the same spirit Jesus did when facing pressure? That all depends on whether we’re willing to make the same choice He made, to adopt His number one priority as the number one priority of our lives.


A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy with God through a Daily Devotional Life

©2000 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How can you make time with the Lord your number one priority each day?