Daily Reflections

Jealous Anger

July 16, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“Thus says the one who has the sharp, double-edged sword.” —Revelation 2:12

The city of Pergamum was home to wealth and fashion, learning and the arts, as well as a center of pagan and imperial worship. To the Christians there, Jesus presented Himself as One possessing the “sharp, two-edged sword” of God’s truth, willing to use it even against His own people (v. 16) if they continued to dabble in or tolerate the false teachings and sinful practices of the day.

To hear Jesus present Himself so “sharply” to His people may not seem to square with the loving nature we expect from Him. But God declares Himself a “jealous” God (Ex. 20:5). Therefore, whenever we operate by the mis- guided thinking of our culture, making lifestyle choices that defy God’s authority over us, He’s offended by our spiritual adultery and wounded by our heart attachments to other lovers.

We should be thankful God loves us enough to pursue our affections so violently, restoring us to right relationship with Him. Rather than being disillusioned or confused by that refining process, we should find safety and security inside His fiery, jealous love.

Make it Personal

How have you experienced the sword of truth cutting into your divided loyalties? Thank Him for His willingness to use it when needed.