The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. —Psalm 46:6
The beginning of this verse is almost a picture of terror. There’s a sense that everything is topsy-turvy and in utter turmoil.
We tend to view kingdoms as secure rather than shaking or tottering. But the psalmist is saying there are seasons of extraordinary commotion and turbulence in our world. Times when it seems that the things that were most secure all of a sudden are up for grabs.
Yet at the end of the verse, the psalmist tells us, “He utters his voice, the earth melts.” It always comes back to God. God’s ways, God’s works, what God is accomplishing, what He is about, and His part in all this. The problem is that we watch the news or read social media, and we calculate without God.
No matter what upheaval may be going on in your life or the world around you, remember that God is still in control. He is having His way even in the whirlwind and the storm.
Make it Personal
What normally secure things are tottering around you today? How can you remind yourself that God is still in control?