Daily Reflections

An Illustration of the Gospel

September 10, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. —Romans 8:28

When we look at our current lives, all we can see is the immediate moment. We can’t see the big picture. It was the same for Elizabeth in Luke 1.

God had a picture He was painting, a tapestry He was weaving. This plan wasn’t just for Elizabeth’s life, marriage, or family but for the whole nation of Israel and beyond—for the whole world, not just in their day but in all of history. God has an incredible, great redemptive plan. His plan is to take fallen sinners and restore them to fellowship with Himself. He does that through His Son, Jesus.

Because of this, our disappointments illustrate the gospel. Like the tomb where Jesus’ body laid for three long days before the resurrection, the hopes and dreams that feel dead and buried are simply waiting for the Lord to break through.

The disappointments you are facing aren’t about you, any more than Elizabeth’s barrenness was about her. It’s about Jesus.

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you trust His plan for your life and that He would use your disappointments to illustrate the gospel.