Daily Reflections

How Am I Doing?

September 28, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Now if by grace, then it is not by works; otherwise grace ceases to be grace. —Romans 11:6

Often the things we find value in are good things. This has been a recurring battle for me. When I was a young woman, I often sought to find my sense of worth in academic achievement or in my abilities as a classical pianist. Now, as an older woman, I sometimes measure my value by my “performance” as a speaker or an author.

When I hit a “home run,” I feel affirmed and secure; when I don’t, I become discouraged and vulnerable to self-doubt. I must consciously counter those feelings with the truth that I am fully accepted in Christ and that my worth to Him (or others) has nothing to do with my performance. Otherwise, I tend to drive myself endlessly and to always be looking for positive feedback on how I’m doing.

That kind of thinking is diametrically opposed to true Christianity, which from start to finish is based on humble faith in Christ’s performance and the undeserved, unmerited grace of God!

Lies Young Women Believe ©2008 Nancy Leigh DeMoss © 2018 Revived Hearts Foundation

Scripture is taken from the CSB.

Make it Personal

In what things do you tend to measure your value by? How can you rest in Christ and God’s grace instead?