Daily Reflections

The Holy Spirit

September 17, 2020 Kelly Needham

“The Holy Spirit . . . will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” —John 14:26

The Holy Spirit is a Person who is equal to yet distinct from the Father and Son. If we’ve trusted Christ, then He is with us forever. And He has a specific function in our lives.

The Bible calls Him primarily a “helper.” But how does He help us? He teaches us all things and guides us into all truth (John 14:26; 16:13). Who do we know is the Truth? Jesus (John 14:6). So, the Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus’ words. He helps us in our weakness by interceding for us. He helps us feel the reality that we’re children of God and gives us power to follow and obey Jesus. And the Spirit helps us understand the things God has given to us in the gospel.

Being a Christian isn’t about one moment of salvation but a lifetime of being saved by Jesus out of one pit after the other. The Spirit’s job is to keep us looking to Him and trusting Him, over and over.

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you look to the Holy Spirit and trust Him in the circumstances of your day.