Daily Reflections

He Is Worthy

September 10, 2023 Portia Collins

My goal is to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death. —Philippians 3:10

In Philippians, Paul recounts the supreme blessedness of knowing Christ. The apostle so desires to know Christ and be conformed to Him that he doesn’t hesitate at the thought of experiencing suffering and even death.

It’s so easy to affirm life in Christ verbally. But when I pause to think about being conformed to Christ and truly knowing Him, Paul’s words in Philippians rarely cross my mind.

I think we tend to look for the easy. Naturally, we don’t want to be conformed to Christ if it means we must experience hard things or life beyond what we can imagine. And here we have Paul saying that he’d gladly trade all the world’s riches, ease of life, status before men, and even his very life so he can genuinely know Christ and be transformed by His power.

What are you willing to give up to know Christ and be known by Him? For you, is He truly worthy of everything? Even your life?

Hint: He is.
Portia Collins, Instagram, www.instagram.com/portiawcollins

Scripture is taken from the ESV.


Make it Personal

Spend time meditating on Philippians 3:10, asking God to show you what it means to truly be conformed to Christ.