Daily Reflections

Greater Realities

February 23, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw that the mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. —2 Kings 6:17

The greater reality isn’t easily seen. Elisha’s servant saw only danger, an army poised to attack. His eyes took in only earthbound scenes. But there was, in that very moment and in that very place, a far greater reality. A mighty heavenly army surrounded the enemy.

There is more going on in our world than meets the eye or enters the camera lens or clogs the social media pipeline. Like Elisha’s servant, we need to see the hand of God at work in our world. It is not naive to believe that heaven’s armies are on the scene. If we could see spiritual realities as God sees them, we would be amazed.

The real question is not, Where is God? but What is God doing? As unsettling as world affairs can be, the greater reality behind and above them is that God has a redeeming plan. He is advancing His kingdom. He will prevail.

Make it Personal

Ask God to give you eyes to see from His vantage point—to perceive the growth of His kingdom throughout the world.