Daily Reflections

Gratitude Really Matters

November 1, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule your hearts. And be thankful. —Colossians 3:15

Several years ago, I carefully studied what Scripture has to say about the grace of gratitude, and I meditated on what it means to be a grateful person and why it matters.

The Lord took me on a personal journey—a journey I’m still very much on. He has shown me how vital it is to train my heart to respond to all of life with a thankful spirit, even in situations and seasons that I find unpleasant or difficult.

The trek hasn’t always been an easy one— along the way, He has shed light on things in my heart that weren’t pretty. His Spirit has brought conviction as my responses under pressure have been held up to the standard of His Word.

But this has been a good and needed process in my life, and the changes He is bringing about in my perspective and my character, along with the freedom that comes from saying, “Yes, Lord!” have more than compensated for the hard places.

Make it Personal

What needs to change in your life that would allow you to respond with gratitude to God in all situations?