Daily Reflections

Gospel Opportunities

September 19, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

This light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. —2 Corinthians 4:17

Everything that comes into our lives in one way or another, if we’re children of God, is part of God’s plan to make Jesus known to the world. If only we could see that! If only we could trust it.

When we make the choice to say “yes,” we experience contentment, even in the face of deep disappointment. Contentment is not the same as being “zen” or denying that disappointments exist. It’s coming to the crossroads of hope and despair and choosing hope, trusting that God is already working to redeem our suffering for His glory. This is the choice that moves us from being set free to being sent out in Jesus’ name.

Like the blind man in John 9 who received sight and Elizabeth in Luke 1 who received her long-awaited son, choose to use your circumstances to point toward the Savior. There’s no guarantee God will fulfill every desire this side of heaven, but it’s possible to point to the Savior in every single season of disappointment.

Make it Personal

Are you willing to see your unfulfilled longings as an opportunity to display Christ? If so, declare it!