Daily Reflections

The Goal of Our Days

July 15, 2021 Laura Gonzalez de Chavez

For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. —John 1:16

We live in times where it seems the day isn’t long enough for all we have to do. From the time we get up, we’re making lists of what lies ahead, from what we’re going to wear to what we’ll eat. We have commitments, appointments, work, school. When night comes, we fall into bed exhausted, waiting to do it all over again the next day.

In the midst of our whirlwinds, God’s Word reminds us that His grace is there, available to us. We are strengthened and sustained by the grace He promises us at every moment. And as if this weren’t enough, His Spirit guides our steps. God Himself is committed to our life; He guides us on the path of His purposes and if we belong to Him, there’s nothing to fear. He guides our steps, not just today but for all eternity.

What should your goal be today? Be sustained by His grace and be guided by His Spirit. That’s His will for you today. Rest in that truth. Everything else is noise.

Make it Personal

Ask God to help your goals for the day to line up with His goals for you. And ask for His grace to sustain you.