Daily Reflections

Focus on the Promises

May 10, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord said to Abram, “Look from the place where you are. Look north and south, east and west, for I will give you and your offspring forever all the land that you see.” —Genesis 13:14–15

It was hundreds of years before God’s promise to Abram would be fulfilled. Abram didn’t live to see it, but he believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness (Rom. 4:3).

Now, 600 years later, the twelve spies were going to check out the land. They came to the city of Hebron where God had given these incredible promises to Abram. The spies knew these promises, but they didn’t focus on them. Instead, they focused on the challenges.

How about you? As you think about your life and what you’re facing this day, are you focusing on the obstacles, the hurdles, the giants, or are you focusing on the promises of God? If you focus on the obstacles, you will have fear in your heart. However, if you focus on the promises of God, your heart will be filled with faith.

Make it Personal

What are ways that you can remind yourself of God’s promises as you go about your day today?