Daily Reflections

Faithful to the Finish

February 21, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Therefore, brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election, because if you do these things you will never stumble. —2 Peter 1:10

Throughout my life, I’ve known both high-profile Christians as well as ordinary believers who appeared as if they were walking closely with God. Then suddenly I hear that they’ve fallen morally or spiritually.

Those situations put the fear of God in my heart, as they ought to do. Since I’ve watched others who have fallen out of the race, how can I stay faithful until I see Jesus face-to-face?

Second Peter 1:10 gives me great hope and motivation in my walk with the Lord. Peter says that if you practice the qualities he mentions in verses 5–7 (goodness, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly affection, and love), you will never stumble.

That word stumble means “to trip,” “to fall.” It doesn’t mean you will never sin. Instead, when you are diligent and intentional about your spiritual growth, you will be kept and protected in this Christian life and in this race. You will keep going.

Make it Personal

What daily choices can you make to help you be diligent and intentional in your spiritual growth?