Daily Reflections

Faith Not Sight

July 19, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

We walk by faith, not by sight. —2 Corinthians 5:7

When you dig in to Psalms 42–43, you find a principle that’s crucial to living the Christian life. The psalmist needed it, and you and I need it every single day too. What is it? It’s the ability to counter sight—what we can see, what we feel to be true, what looks true—with faith.

Throughout this passage, there’s a running dialogue between sight and faith. The psalmist’s sight tells him one thing. And if he believes that, he will live an overwhelmed life. So he counters sight with faith.

There are seasons of life when the storm is exceedingly rough, and your immediate perception only tells you negative things. If you look at what you can see, you will be depressed.

But if you lift your eyes up and look at unseen things—the eternal realities that are more true than the storm itself—you’ll find comfort for your heart. That’s when we have to say, “Lord, though I can’t see or feel You, I believe You are more real, more true, and infinitely bigger than any situation I am facing today.”

Make it Personal

How can you look at your circumstances today through the eyes of faith rather than sight?