Daily Reflections

Don't Let This Steal Your Joy

June 24, 2023 Lori Hatcher

Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines . . . yet I will celebrate in the Lord. —Habakkuk 3:17–18

If you’re the parent of a prodigal, some days you feel as though your heart is crushed under the weight of a thousand sorrows. You wonder if you can face another day. Your mind is consumed with thoughts of your child. These thoughts are normal and should be our impetus to pray.

But if we allow our children’s rebellion to strip us of our faith and joy, we might be guilty of idolatry. Are we worshiping our children instead of worshiping God?

Some of the darkest times of my parenting life have been some of the sweetest times of my spiritual life. When I come to God broken, helpless, frightened, and weak, He meets
me there. He speaks words of hope to my heart and becomes my mighty warrior. He quiets my frightened spirit and strengthens my trembling soul. Although I feel as though everything precious has been stripped away, I discover that the greatest treasure remains. This treasure is Him.

Make it Personal

How can you remember that Christ is your greatest treasure throughout whatever difficulties you face?