Daily Reflections

Death Is a Good Thing

June 23, 2021 Kelly Needham

For one who has died has been set free from sin. —Romans 6:7

Dying is painful because something dearly loved is being lost forever. In the case of the Christ-follower, we are losing the self-sufficient ways we’ve grown accustomed to, the worldly habits we enjoy that help us fit in. Though harmful to our relationship with God, these things don’t die without a fight.

Death throws us into an unknown territory with no way back. Yes, the new life promised is good, but what is a life dependent on God like? we wonder. The challenge is that we won’t really know until self-sufficiency is six feet under and we have both feet on the rock of Christ.

Yes, death is terrifying. But death, for the Christ-follower, is a good thing. It ensures the demise of all that keeps us from God. It promises that sin and the flesh can be conquered with the finality of a grave.

May we choose daily to die to self that we might be united with Jesus, knowing that He alone has the power to save our lives as we entrust ourselves to Him!

Make it Personal

What tendencies or habits are you trying to hang on to that God is calling you to die to and entrust yourself to Him instead?