Daily Reflections

The Breath of God

May 14, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? —Psalm 85:6

Throughout daily life, our hearts can sometimes get dry. The weight of the world and our own burdens and responsibilities bear down on us. Yet God wants to breathe fresh life into us through His Spirit and His Word. Then He wants to send us out to those who desperately need to hear about Him.

While I was studying Ezekiel 37, I received a text about a believer in the community where I live whose marriage was in serious trouble, and the mate was reaching out for help. The situation seemed impossible. But here is what I know: dry bones can live again.

I’ve seen God do it before, and I know that He is at work. His breath makes all the difference in the world. He can do it in this marriage I was texted about. He can do it in your marriage, in your home, in your church, in your country, in your small group, in your community. The breath of God can make dry bones live again.

Make it Personal

Pray for God to breathe His life into the dry bones around you, so that all may know He is the Lord.