Daily Reflections

Accepting What We Receive

December 29, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you. —Isaiah 26:3

Are you angry with God over a dream He hasn’t allowed you to realize? A promotion that went to someone else less deserving,
a financial setback that’s forcing you to just scrape by?

Perhaps your anger with God comes from being single in a married world. Childlessness, too, can be a source of anger against God.

Why would He taunt any of us in this way, at such a vulnerable part of our hearts and lives? And yet we must learn how to accept what we receive—or don’t receive—from Him. We must learn how to bow before His sovereignty.

It comes down to a choice: Blame God and rail against Him, complaining and insisting on getting our way. Or trust that He knows what He’s doing, that He is working in us to both purify and prepare us for lives of greater service and usefulness, and that He is employing one of His greatest teachers—time—in order to enlarge our hearts and expand our vision.

Make it Personal

Are you angry at God about anything? Ask Him to help you accept what He has or has not given you.