Daily Reflections

A Path Toward Peace

December 8, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

But you, O Lord, are enthroned forever; you are remembered throughout all generations. —Psalm 102:12

About a year ago, I read this tweet from a man who struggled to find peace:

I suffered from extreme anxiety and PTSD after an episode with my heart. Studying God’s sovereignty brought me so much peace in my life in a time where every waking second was just trying not to have a panic attack.

I’ve known people having panic attacks over the last few years, and I get it. It’s natural when you look at the upheaval in our world to think, I’m going under. I can’t keep breathing!

For the man above who experienced extreme anxiety, PTSD, and heart episodes, it was only by studying the sovereignty of God that he found peace when every waking moment was ripped with anxiety.

That’s why we must learn to counsel our hearts according to truth. And here’s the truth: Cancer is not king. Coronavirus is not king. Financial crisis is not king. These things are real. But only Christ is King.

Make it Personal

Meditate on Psalm 29 and ask the Lord to help you filter the events of today through the truth of His Word.