Daily Reflections

A Natural Response

July 4, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I am deeply depressed. —Psalm 42:6

When the psalmist felt like he was drowning in overwhelming circumstances, his response was a natural one—he became depressed. His soul was cast down (42:5, 11), and he struggled with doubt. In those situations, we are prone to doubt ourselves, God, others . . . everything we were so sure of before.

He said to himself in verse 5, “Why, my soul, are you so dejected?” That’s the depression. Then he spoke to his soul, “Why are you in such turmoil?” That’s the doubt. The word turmoil pictures the tossing and turning of this tempestuous sea and the surging waves, not only outside his life but even harder within his heart.

All he could see were the waves and the water pouring in his boat. He couldn’t see what God saw. But if we want to find encouragement and hope in the storm, we need to stop looking at things from our own perspective and start seeing it through God’s eyes. Not only is He in control, but He tenderly cares for you and will uphold you throughout the storm.

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you see past any depression or doubt to view the whole picture of His sovereignty and care for you.