Daily Reflections

A Heart Checkup

September 28, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.” —Ezekiel 36:26

The medical profession stresses the importance of regular physical checkups. Anyone with a family history of heart disease is encouraged to get his cholesterol tested. If our heart is not functioning properly or there is blockage in our arteries, we want to know about the problem so we can do whatever is necessary to deal with the situation. We know that neglecting our physical heart condition could be fatal.

Should we be any less concerned about our spiritual heart condition? The fact is that when it comes to spiritual matters, we all have a family history of “heart disease.” We must be willing to let Him examine our hearts and diagnose that which we may be unable to see for ourselves.

The good news of the gospel is that the Great Physician has made available a cure for our deceived, diseased hearts. Jesus came to do radical heart surgery—to cleanse and transform us from the inside out, by the power of His death and resurrection.

Make it Personal

Ask the Great Physician for a spiritual heart checkup—to show you areas where your heart is not right with Him.