Daily Reflections

A Gift from God

November 24, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

To keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh. —2 Corinthians 12:7

When Paul talked about his “thorn in the flesh” in 2 Corinthians, he recognized it was given to him and that it was given by God.

This thorn was a constant reminder of Paul’s weakness. But it also reminded him of his need for God and the strength God’s grace could give to him. He came to recognize his thorn as a gift from God, just as we must come to recognize our thorns.

Have you ever accepted the thorns in your life as a gift from God for your good? If not, stop and say right now, “God, I know that this is from You. I give You thanks for what You want to do in my life through this thorn. I acknowledge that You must know this is what I need at this moment of my life.”

Take your thorn and do what you would with any gift. Receive it, accept it, and thank the Giver.

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you see your thorns as a gift that will help you to rely on Him more each day.