Three Cubicles, Four Bosses, Five Lessons

In just over a week, I’ll celebrate a half a decade of working at Revive Our Hearts. In these five years, I’ve sat in at least three cubicles, worked under four bosses, and served in six different roles—from Nancy’s personal assistant to customer service rep to internet coordinator to staff writer (and everything in between).

Five years ago, this cocky, over-eager college graduate arrived thinking I would help Revive Our Hearts minister to women. Ha! Turns out I was the one who was mentored and helped by this ministry. While I could go into all kinds of lessons I’ve learned here, I thought I’d share the five lessons I’ve learned about doing ministry. These have been modeled consistently by Nancy and my co-workers since I arrived on June 1, 2005.

1. Wanna teach women the Word? If so, live it first. Here at Revive Our Hearts, they refer to this as a “life message.”

2. Wanna make a difference? If so, pray. We pray a lot here. It’s not that we think we’re hyper-spiritual or something; it’s that we know we’re not good enough to do our jobs apart from God.

3. Wanna truly help women? If so, unashamedly—but winsomely—share the Truth of the Word of God. This is scary for a timid girl like me. God’s Word bucks our culture. It steps on toes. But it also sets women free! I’ve seen it do so over and over in the past five years.

4. Wanna serve effectively? If so, model Jesus’ servant heart. ROH works hard to figure out what we’re most gifted at (thus my six jobs in five years). But once my teammates find their niche, they’re don’t limit themselves to “their job.” For example, the woman in the cubicle next to me helps me edit most of the posts you read here, even though she works with numbers and this isn’t technically “her job.” We’re all on one team, serving with one purpose.

5. Wanna continue to love God more? If so, never, ever get over the Gospel. I used to think the story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection was what it took to save me. Now I know it’s what God uses to daily sanctify me, too. Only as I meditate on His great love for me demonstrated at the Cross do I have the motivation and power to live guilt-free, to forgive others, and to live in a hard, busy world with joy.  

Why do I tell you all this? I see Revive Our Hearts making a ginormous difference in the lives of women, marriages, families, churches, and communities. I know, because I’m one of them. I see God bringing women freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ as His Gospel is shared.

About the Author

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller is a gifted communicator with a tenacious commitment to Scripture coupled with a compassionate, loving voice. God has captured Paula’s heart, and she is passionate about sharing life-changing, gospel truths through the lens of her everyday, ordinary life … read more …

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