Blood, Sweat, and Tears

When I'm given a tough assignment, it always helps if I can grab hold of the reason behind the blood, sweat, and tears. (I really haven't shed any blood trying to live out Titus 2, but I think you get my point). Why put in the strain and effort to apply myself to living out this passage? What does it matter? Thankfully, verse 5 supplies us with the answer that provides plenty of motivation!

The "Impotent" Word
Living out the instructions of Titus 2:3–5 is necessary so that the Word of God will not be "blasphemed, maligned, discredited, dishonored, or reviled"—basically that the Word of God will not be viewed as impotent. Wow! This is our responsibility as True Women. We are to apply the truth of God's Word to our lives in order that others can see the transforming power of Christ at work.

The most destructive force opposing the power of the gospel is the witness of an "untransformed" life.
Titus 1:16 describes individuals who profess to know God but deny His existence by their actions. As believers, how are our marriages any different from those without Christ? Can the lost world observe your marital relationship and see a visible representation of the love relationship between Christ and His church? What about how you treat others? What's your "kindness quotient" on a scale of 1–10? Or how about self-control? Is it an obvious character trait because of the work God is doing in your life?

Titus 1:16 and Titus 2:5 answer the question of "why" we need to be discipling other women—to fulfill God's purpose for our lives and His mandate for creation, which is to fill God's earth with His glory (Numbers 14:21; Psalm 72:19; Habakkuk 2:14).

Dream With Me

  • What would happen if women lived out the instructions found in Titus 2?
  • What would our homes begin to look like?
  • How would our husbands and children respond to that kind of radical transformation?
  • Would they hunger to know God more intimately?
  • Would our men be inspired as they watch the transformational power of the gospel?
  • Would they feel the freedom and confidence to take on the role of spiritual leadership?
  • Could the watching world begin to see a tangible, obvious difference in our families?
  • Could the same power of the gospel begin to affect them?
  • Could revival occur?

Let it be so, Lord God—for Your great Name's sake and for Your glory alone!

About the Author

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner is the author of Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior and is a frequent guest on Revive Our Hearts radio program, as well as a regular contributor to the blog. Kimberly's passion is Christ and she … read more …

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