Marriage on the Edge of Eternity
Francis Chan has a helpful article at Desiring God that will encourage those in seasons of singleness and marriage. In desiring marriage and in learning how to be married, we need God's grace to keep it in its proper place.
8 Life-Changing Things Someone Taught Me
It looks like this is a week for numbers, so I'll start the countdown. Lore Ferguson Wilbert shares several seemingly simple things that have changed her thinking in profound ways.
7 Ways Women Can Grow in Studying and Teaching Scripture Without Seminary
Ladies, you don't need formal Bible training to grow in handling the Word of truth with accuracy. Here are a few suggestions for your study of the Bible.
6 Ways for Singles to Wait Well
Here's a post that features someone very familiar to us—Nancy Leigh DeMoss!
The 5 Senses at Home
My friend, Jenna, shares some ways she's trying to engage all of the senses at home. I think it's fascinating to think through and might get your creative juices flowing.
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