True You: How to Overcome the Lies Your Different Abilities Tell You

Were you created with a physical or mental difference? Well, you are definitely not alone. In fact, one in four adults in the United States live with a disability. Maybe yours has even caused you to question God’s goodness or that He has a plan for your life. Today on True You, we’ll explain the importance of shifting your perspective when it comes to your abilities. Every one of us has something—physical, mental, or both—that we wish were different about the way we were created. But the problem doesn’t lie in our creation. It lies in our perception of that creation. God is able to reframe our thinking when it comes to what we see as our shortcomings. And the cool part is this: He wants to do it! On this episode of True You, we’ll show you how God has woven promise and purpose into every part of your being. Check out one girl’s story of learning to recognize her perceived weakness as one of her greatest strengths.

If you’ve found it difficult to see God’s plan in your creation, here are a few verses to help you stand firm on His promise of purpose. Write them down, memorize them, and walk boldly in the truth of what God says about you.


About the Author

Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh is the co-host of Revive Our Hearts podcast and the founder of True Girl, a ministry dedicated to providing tools to help moms and grandmas disciple their 7–12-year-old girls. She has authored over twenty-eight books, including a Bible study for adult women based on the book of Habakkuk. Dannah and her husband, Bob, live on a hobby farm in central Pennsylvania.