6 Resolutions for a Better Single Life This Year

I've noticed a trend on my social media feed. Maybe you've seen these titles, too:

"10 Ways to Make Your Marriage Thrive This Year" "4 Steps to Become a Better Wife This Year" "1 Habit that Will Change Your Marriage This Year"

I see those blogs posts, and I love that married men and women are working on their marriages and striving to make this year better than the last. Even though I'm not married, I've read some of these blogs, and they're really good! They've given me some great things to work on and goals to shoot for (even as a single girl).

But yesterday I saw another one of those "make your marriage better this year" blog posts and thought to myself, Why are the married people getting all the good blog posts? What about us singles? I want to make this year better, too!

Singleness isn't a season to "endure" until marriage, but a time to serve God to the best of our ability.

So that's exactly what this blog post is about. Single ladies, it's our turn to set goals, work hard, and make 2016 better than 2015. After all, singleness isn't a season to "endure" until marriage, but a time to serve God to the best of our ability.

Here are six resolutions for a better single life this year.

1. Don't complain.

Complaining singles turn into complaining marrieds, which turn into complaining parents. Nip that in the bud, and learn to control your thoughts and words now. Focus on taking your thoughts captive (2 Cor. 10:5) and choose not to complain about your singleness. (Or anything else that makes you unhappy.)

Do all things without grumbling or disputing (Phil. 2:14).

2. Speak words of gratitude.

Thankfulness and gratitude are attractive qualities that look good on any girl.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thess. 5:18).

This one is tough for me. I tend to speak a lot of words and somehow manage to leave gratitude out of the equation. I would love to become a more grateful single, and I'm sure you would, too. Thankfulness and gratitude are attractive qualities that look good on any girl. Make it a habit to speak words of gratitude each and every day.

3. Think outside of yourself.

From one single girl to another, we need to think outside of ourselves. We can stop being so self-focused by focusing on the needs of others. God has given us this season of flexibility to concentrate on serving Him in ways that married women can't. Let's take advantage of our single status this year and choose to focus on the needs of those around us.

4. Get the bigger picture.

Deep inside, most of us have a longing to find true love and officially graduate from single status to married life. While that desire for marriage is good, it can easily become a major distraction and obsession if we aren't careful. Instead of focusing so much on "finding the one" and changing the title from Miss to Mrs., spend some time remembering your mission to make Christ known and live with eternity in mind.

I highly recommend listening to this sermon by Francis Chan. He gets the bigger picture and will help you grasp it, too. Your single life will transform into an amazing and exciting season if you're willing to live with the eternal picture in mind.

5. Surround yourself with the young and old.

I'm blessed to come from a big family who loves being together. I'm constantly around young kids and much older adults. Spending time around people of all ages is a great benefit and blessing to the single, as well as a chance to grow your character.

  • If you have family near you, try your best to spend time with them.
  • If not, make an effort to get involved with people outside your bubble of friends.
  • Get to know the older ladies in your church.
  • Volunteer in the nursery.
  • Spend time with all ages, not just other singles.

6. Commit to growth.

There is no better time to grow spiritually than right now. Make 2016 a year of learning and growing.

  • Read challenging Christian books.
  • Listen to free sermons online.
  • Work through a Bible study.

There is no better time to grow spiritually than right now.

Set big goals in the area of spiritual growth, and go for it. You will be amazed by how much incredible wisdom and truth there is once you start digging for it.

Which one of the six areas would you like to commit to improving? 

About the Author

Bethany Beal

Bethany Beal is the co-founder of GirlDefined Ministries and co-author of several books, including Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity and Identity. She is passionate about spreading the truth of biblical womanhood through writing, speaking, and mentoring women, and you can catch her unpacking exciting and controversial topics every week on her podcast, The Girl Defined Show. Bethany is married to her best friend and husband, David, and they have one son, Davey Jr.