For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations. ~Psalm 100:5
Over the next few minutes, you and I are going to watch a short YouTube video of your life’s highlights. It won’t take too long, but I promise it will be worth it.
From the moment you drew your first breath, someone took care of your every need. The nurse in the hospital brought your squirming little body to your mother. Can you see her tenderly holding you while your eyes tried to focus on this loving person with the familiar voice? “I’ll always love you,” she must have said because for the next dozen years or so, this lady proved that love. She took care of your bumps, your fears, and your broken heart. But because you were a kid and didn’t understand all the sacrifice her mothering involved, you didn’t say thank you as often as you should have. Now you’re a grown man, and, if she’s still alive, it’s time to get caught up: “Thank you, Mother.”
Then there was this person with a different voice—a lower voice. He startled you at first, but soon you came to know this man who loved you as much as your mother did. It felt different when he held you—sometimes awkward, sometimes a little rambunctious—but you knew his were loving arms, too. This man worked hard to provide for you. And when he could, he’d take you to the backyard and throw you a ball, hoping you’d become the athlete he could only have dreamed about becoming himself. You should have thanked him more, but you were busy getting tall and strong. Now you’re a man. If he’s still alive, it’s time to say, “Thank you, Dad.”
There were teachers, coaches, ministers, neighbors, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and stepparents who took time to care for you. They stopped what they were doing and listened to your stories. They dared to challenge you with what you could become. They were models of patience, discipline, fairness, courage, and caring. Sometimes you would tell them you appreciated what they did for you, but those thank-yous were rare. And now it’s time to make that right: “Thanks, each one of you.”
Today you may have a family of your own. If you do, you likely have a wife who loves you and who goes the extra mile—how would you like to live with you? You have children or stepchildren who want to make you proud. You’re one of the luckiest men you know. But because you’re awfully busy, you’re a little behind in your expressions of gratitude: “Thank you, precious family.”
Then there’s your heavenly Father. He knew you and He loved you before there were galaxies, oceans, or trees. After you were conceived, He held your little embryo and showed it how to grow. He loved you as a boy—unlovely as you were. He likely gave you parents, talents, strength, and wisdom. And today, decades later, He still calls you His own. Are you current with your gratitude to Him?
One day a man sat down and wrote the words to this breathtaking psalm. Someone must have reminded him that he was overdue on his expressions of thanksgiving so, in just a few verses, he made it right. Are you a little behind on your thank-yous? You are? OK, and you’re welcome for this friendly reminder. Truth be told, I need it just as much as you do.