Sustain me as you promised, and I will live; do not let me be ashamed of my hope. —Psalm 119:116
This stanza [of Psalm 119] is uncompromising, and it asks us to pose some uncomfortable questions of ourselves. It tells us to consider the things that we regularly partake in, the things we are entertained by, the conversations that grip us, and the places where we hang out.
Sisters, how are we being separated from the wicked? Do we truly share the psalmist’s desire to avoid temptation toward evil, and to love and keep God’s word? Being beneficiaries of God’s grace should not cause us to take sin and evil less seriously. I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us to pursue all that is God-honoring, and illuminate our minds to clearly recognize all that is despised by God—and to hate it.
I pray that we will share the psalmist’s heart. And most importantly, I pray that we will be upheld by God, so that we may be unyielding to the pressure of looking and living just like the world, and uncompromising in our commitment to keep his commandments. 1
1 His Testimonies, My Heritage, 2019, Portia Collins (Kristie Anyabwile)
His Testimonies, My Heritage (2019) edited by Kristie Anyabwile, used by kind permission of the Publisher, The Good Book Company.
Scripture taken from The CSB
Make it Personal
Do you take sin as seriously as God does? How could you grow in your commitment to keep God’s commandments?