Daily Reflections

His Great Mercy

February 5, 2025 Blair Linne

Salvation is far from the wicked because they do not study your statutes. —Psalm 119:155

The state of the unbeliever is dire because they do not know God’s life. They are still spiritually dead. . . .

When someone is an enemy of God, they have no benefits to enjoy or promises to embrace. There is no help and no hope that the trials that they face in this life are working together for their good, nor that there is a future beyond them. . . . The opposite of those who are wicked is not so much those who are simply righteous as those who are righteous because they have received mercy . . . As believers, we know that we deserve to be cast out with the wicked. The only reason we are not cast out is the Lord’s great mercy. . . . Christ drained the cup of wrath that would’ve taken an eternity for us to drink. Now we are allowed to sit, by faith, at the table of his mercy, eternally dining at our Lord’s glorious banquet. 1

1 His Testimonies, My Heritage, 2019, Blair Linne (Kristie Anyabwile)


His Testimonies, My Heritage (2019) edited by Kristie Anyabwile, used by kind permission of the Publisher, The Good Book Company. www.thegoodbook.com

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Thank God for His mercy that allowed for your salvation and for the mercy He shows you on a daily basis.